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2021 Session bills of note.

Writer: R Leon NobleR Leon Noble

In Favor

SB 368

Modifies crime of second degree child neglect to exclude actions permitting certain children to engage in independent activities.

Why: Corrects existing government overreach and frees the people to teach their children to be more independent and capable of risk management. Betters society in the long run.

SB 502

Exempts transferee who is certified participant in Address Confidentiality Program from private firearm transfer criminal background check requirement.

Why: Allows a person with a restraining order against another to quickly gain access to a firearm for self defense. Affirms both 2nd Amendment and Article I Section 27 rights.

SB 503

Provides person with privileges and legal defenses available to person with Oregon concealed handgun license if person is licensed to carry concealed handgun in another state that recognizes Oregon concealed handgun licenses.

Why: Many states have the same or higher requirements that Oregon does. forcing someone who has already met or surpassed the requirements is a waste of Oregon resources. Would further support moving to Constitutional Carry. Affirms both 2nd Amendment and Article I Section 27 rights.

SB 531

Establishes right to reimbursement for actual damages resulting from cessation of business operations required by emergency rules or orders. Provides that plaintiff may bring action against state for reimbursement.

Why: Supports the people in their 14th Amendment rights by providing consequences for government overreach.

SB 532

Provides that emergency statutes do not authorize Governor to limit right of individuals to assembly for purpose of practicing religion.

Why: Supports 1st Amendment and Article I Section 1, 2, 3, and 8 rights of the people.

SB 536

Repeals single-use checkout bag ban.

Why: This only served to hurt the people of Oregon and did nothing to actually deal with the issues related to the lack of actual recycle programs.

SB 537

Repeals regulation that restricts food and beverage provider or convenience store from providing single-use plastic straws other than at consumer's specific request. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

Why: This only served to hurt the people of Oregon and did nothing to actually deal with the issues related to effective waste management.

SB 543

Removes requirement that only elector who has personally printed copy, or requested that separate person print copy, of electronic signature sheet for petition or prospective petition may sign signature sheet. Removes requirement that template for electronic signature sheet must include final measure summary, ballot title and full and correct copy of measure to be initiated or referred.

Why: Violates the 1st Amendment and Article I Sections 1 and 8, and inhibits the people to petition their government against grievances.

SB 574

Allows operator of motorcycle to travel between lanes of traffic under certain conditions.

Why: Lane splitting and filtering will reduce traffic congestion and allow for a higher level of safety from rear end collisions on congested traffic for motorcyclists opting to participate.


Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to restate constitutional requirement that Oregon state government maintain and operate under balanced budget in which current expenses do not exceed current revenues, except where other existing provisions of Constitution authorize debt. Refers proposed amendment to electors for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.

Why: The Government does not exist to tax the people into oblivion and spend their money for them.


Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to vest power of impeachment of statewide elected Executive Branch officials in House of Representatives and power to try impeachments in Senate. Requires three-fifths majority vote of House of Representatives to deliver impeachment resolution to Senate and two-thirds majority vote of Senate for conviction. Limits judgment to removal from office and disqualification from holding other public office. Refers proposed amendment to people for approval or rejection at next regular general election held throughout this state.

Why: There must be checks and balances to every Government official. The capacity to remove an executive or Judge is paramount to the peace of the people.


Amends constitution to provide for removal of judge upon impeachment by House of Representatives and conviction in Senate. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next general election.

SJR 15

Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to require two-thirds majority vote in favor in each chamber of Legislative Assembly to pass bills declaring emergency. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.

Why: The emergency clause is overused and inappropriate in most cases.

HB 2020

Establishes durational limits for states of emergency declared under certain statutes. Provides that Legislative Assembly may extend states of emergency by joint resolution.

Why: The emergency powers clauses have been misappropriated. It defeats the purpose of our balance system to have an emergency clause of any type without a stop point. Emergency powers in the last year have been a violation of the 14th Amendment and Article I Sections 1 and 18.

HB 2872

Creates credit against personal income tax for cost of criminal history record check required by state law for transfer of firearm. Creates subtraction from taxable income for mileage for travel associated with criminal history record check. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, and before January 1, 2027. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

Why: Reverses the tax on firearm ownership.

HB 3088

Repeals crimes of prostitution, commercial sexual solicitation and promoting prostitution. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

Why: Actions between consenting adults should not be regulated by the government.


SB 166

Requires use of motor vehicle headlights at all times when vehicle is being driven on highway. Punishes violation by maximum fine of $1,000.

Why: This relegates Law Enforcement to revenue generation. Violates 14th Amendment and Article I Section 8. Creates criminals out of the citizens.

SB 336

Prohibits candidates for state office from accepting contributions in excess of amounts specified and from sources not specified. Prohibits certain political committees from accepting contributions in excess of amounts specified and from sources not specified. Creates small donor committee.

Why: Creates a conflicting interest by the current candidates for state office and inhibits competition. Would support if amended to require all currently serving state candidates to be barred from running for state and Federal office in the future and term limits enacted for Legislators.

SB 339

Establishes Bank of the State of Oregon. Specifies purposes of bank. Establishes Bank of the State of Oregon Board to operate and manage bank. Creates advisory board of directors to advise bank board and management on operation of bank. Requires bank to accept deposits of public funds and permits bank to accept deposits of other funds. Permits bank to make, purchase, guarantee or hold certain loans and to serve as custodian bank. Specifies other powers. Directs State Treasurer to deposit moneys in bank in amount treasurer determines is necessary to allow bank to fulfill duties. Requires Bank of the State of Oregon Board to determine and reserve amount of revenue necessary to continue bank operations in safe and sound manner and to credit remaining revenue to use for general governmental operations. Directs board to adopt rules to ensure safety and soundness of bank, describe permissible investments, bank services, loan limits and reserve requirements. Requires Secretary of State audit. Specifies that deposits of bank are guaranteed by state and that income bank earns on public funds is not subject to taxation. Specifies that certain bank records are confidential and not subject to disclosure. Becomes operative January 1, 2023.

Why: removes public tax dollars from banking institutions already being used to bolster the economy and centralizes banking for the State Government without appropriate checks and balances, while allowing the Government to compete with private entities.

SB 396

Defines "undetectable firearm." Punishes manufacturing, importing, offering for sale or transferring undetectable firearm by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Punishes possession of undetectable firearm by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Defines "untraceable firearm." Punishes possessing, manufacturing, importing, offering for sale or transferring untraceable firearm by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Defines "unfinished frame or receiver." Requires gun dealer to conduct criminal background check before transferring unfinished frame or receiver. Punishes importing, offering for sale or transferring unfinished receiver by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Specifies exceptions. Punishes possession of unserialized unfinished frame or receiver by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both. Provides that person commits crime if person possesses unfinished frame or receiver and is prohibited from possessing firearms. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.

Why: Creates new criminals out of citizens without regard to actual facts, statistical trends, or knowledge on the subject. There is no such thing as an undetectable or untraceable firearm. Violation of 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 27 rights.

SB 398

Creates crime of intimidation by display of a noose. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.

Why: Clear violation of 1st Amendment. Ignores basic knowledge. A noose is an adaptation of a knot used in the maritime transportation industries for adding weight to a line for heaving. There may only be 12 people in the State of Oregon who know how to properly tie a noose, of which, I am one. Bubba Wallace didn’t know what one looked like either.

SB 554

Authorizes city, county, metropolitan service district, port operating commercial airport, school district, college or university to adopt ordinance or policy limiting or precluding affirmative defense for possession of firearms in public buildings by concealed handgun licensees. Modifies definition of "public building," for purposes of crime of possession of weapon in public building, to include certain airport areas, buildings owned or controlled by public bodies and real property owned by college or university. Punishes violation by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both. Increases fees payable to county sheriff for issuance and renewal of concealed handgun license. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

Why: Clear violation of the 2nd Amendment. Creates instant criminals of the people based on where they walk or drive through a labyrinth of ever changing laws. Violates the right of the people to their own self defense Violates 2nd Amendment and Article I Section 27.

SB 585

Repeals statute creating state preemption of local firearm regulation and statutes creating exceptions to preemption. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die. Why: This would create a patchwork of local laws that prevent citizens from exercising both 2nd Amendment and Article I Section 27 rights and create criminals at random due to ever changing laws.

SB 604

Requires person to obtain permit before purchasing or otherwise receiving firearm under circumstances requiring criminal background check. Specifies qualifications for permit and procedures for applying for and issuing permit. Punishes transferor, when firearm is transferred to recipient without valid permit, by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.

Why: Clear violation of 2nd Amendment and Article I Section 27. Constitutes a firearm owner registry. Unenforceable by definition. Would be challenged in the courts costing the State significant amounts.


Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to provide that member of Legislative Assembly who, without permission or excuse, does not attend 10 or more scheduled legislative floor sessions of Legislative Assembly is deemed to be engaging in disorderly behavior and is disqualified from holding office as Senator or Representative for term following member's current term of office. Refers proposed amendment to voters for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.

Why: Removes the final tool to prevent the State from stomping on the people's rights. Creates a ruling class when lopsided Legislature monopolies occur. Establishes a class war. Legislature salaries were created to allow the average public to take time away from their jobs and businesses without significant financial impact and hold office.


Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to modify portion of each house of Legislative Assembly needed to be in attendance for quorum necessary for house to conduct business. Proposes comparable changes to quorum requirements when Legislative Assembly convenes following declaration of catastrophic disaster by Governor. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.

Why: Removes the final tool to prevent the State from stomping on the people's rights. Creates a ruling class when lopsided Legislature monopolies occur.

SJR 12

Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution establishing obligation of state to ensure every resident of state access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care. Requires state to balance obligation to ensure health care with funding of public schools and other essential public services. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.

Why: Creates a slave labor class of the Medical Field by creating a single payer system. Medical care is already available; insurance is not a right. Government needs to get out of the way.


Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked container or in gun room except in specified circumstances. Punishes violation by maximum of $500 fine. If minor obtains unsecured firearm as result of violation, punishes by maximum of $2,000 fine. Provides that person who does not secure firearm as required is strictly liable for injury to person or property within two years after violation. Specifies exceptions to liability. Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container when transferring firearm under circumstances requiring criminal background check, except in specified circumstances. Punishes violation by maximum of $500 fine. Provides that person who transfers firearm without securing firearm is strictly liable for injury to person or property within two years after violation. Specifies exceptions to liability. Requires person to report loss or theft of firearm within 72 hours of time person knew or reasonably should have known of loss or theft. Punishes violation of requirement by maximum of $1,000 fine. Requires person transferring firearm to minor to directly supervise minor's use of firearm. Provides that person who does not supervise minor as required is strictly liable for injury to person or property caused by minor's use of firearm. Authorizes person to transfer supervisory duty and liability to another person. Specifies exceptions to supervision requirement and liability. Directs Oregon Health Authority to specify by rule minimum specifications for trigger and cable locks and locked containers required by Act. Declares emergency, effective on passage.

Why: This is a solid violation of Article I Sections 1 and 27 and the 2nd Amendment. The purpose of firearms is for the defense of the citizens from other citizens enacting crimes against them, their families, and property and defense against unlawful actions of the State against the same. The Oregon Health Authority is not a policing agency and should not be weaponized against the people. Further, this is not an emergency by any means and an abuse of the emergency clause.

HB 2543

Prohibits transfer of firearm by gun dealer or private party if Department of State Police is unable to determine whether recipient is qualified to receive firearm.

Why: Violates Federal Law by allowing the State Police to simply refuse to complete a background check, preventing citizens from exercising their 2nd Amendment and Article I Section 27 rights.

HB 3005

Repeals statute creating state preemption of local firearm regulation and statutes creating exceptions to preemption.

Why: Allows zones to prevent citizens from exercising their 2nd Amendment and Article I Section 27 rights.


SB 484

Directs Department of Justice to study issues related to prosecution of sex trafficking crimes and to provide results of study to appropriate interim committees of Legislative Assembly no later than December 31, 2021. Sunsets January 2, 2022. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

Why: Studies have been done at every level. This appears to be a waste of money for a problem that could be easily fixed by simply repealing sex worker laws. Senator Taylor appears to be virtue signalling and could easily have just written a bill to repeal.

SB 561

Adds flashing yellow beacons to list of traffic control devices. Declares emergency, effective on passage.

Why: Why would this be needed at all let alone considered an emergency?

SB 571

Allows persons convicted of felony to register to vote, update voter registration and vote in elections while incarcerated. Specifies that person's residence is where person resided prior to incarceration.

Why: Voting rights for the incarcerated probably should be suspended until they have paid their debt to society.

SB 612

Requires police officers, corrections officers, parole and probation officers, regulatory specialists and reserve officers to complete post-secondary education.

Why: Bullies don't change with education. This would disqualify actual candidates based on a manufactured requirement that would not repair the issues related to overreach. Literally effects about 7000 people statewide.

SJR 13

Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to abolish even-numbered year regular sessions of Legislative Assembly. Refers proposed amendment to voters for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.

Why: Appears to vacate time so that the Legislators can campaign. Although, it would save the taxpayers money for the Legislature not to be in session.

SJR 16

Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to prohibit Legislative Assembly from amending or repealing initiative law for period of two years after enactment, unless two-thirds of members in both houses of Legislative Assembly vote to amend or repeal initiative law. Prohibits amendment or repeal of initiative law by Legislative Assembly during two-year period from being referred to electors. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.

Why: This allows the will of the people to be enacted, but concern is if it is necessary.

SJR 25

Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution lowering voting age from 18 years old to 16 years old. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.

Why: The legal definition of an adult is 18 years of age. The responsibility to vote would belong to adults.

HB 2132

Modifies provisions relating to criminal records checks. Declares emergency, effective on passage.

Why: There is no reason to declare this as an emergency. Violates the privacy of the people further. Unnecessary amendment to the existing law.


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